Bell Ringing

The church bells are rung every Sunday from 9:00 to 9:30 prior to the morning service.

The bells are available for schools and local groups to visit – we have had recent visits from the local first school and Beavers, with the treble being chimed by over a hundred children.

Beavers at All Saints'

Also visiting bands of ringers come and ring on a regular basis.

The bell ringers meet at Loughton to practice on the first and third Monday in the month from 19:30 to 21:00, the bell ringers ring at Shenley on the second, fourth and fifth Monday in the month.

If you interested in ringing then you are more than welcome to join us – we are always on the look out for new or returning ringers.

Please contact the tower captain Gary Reading either by phone: 01908 662483 or by email: tower captain