The Bells

There are six bells in the Church Tower at All Saints’, Loughton. Details of the bells are as follows:

BellWeight (cwt)Diameter (inches)Nominal (Hz)NoteDatedFounder
Treble4-0-2127.1251318E1908Alfred Bowell of Ipswich
2nd4-3-1028.51184D1902John Taylor & Co of Loughborough
3rd5-3-0311047.5C1902John Taylor & Co of Loughborough
4th6-2-1632.75979Bcirca 1450William Chamberlain of London
5th7-1-1434.75879.5Acirca 1450William Chamberlain of London
Tenor11-0-839.125811A♭1590Bartholomew Atton of Buckingham

We are very lucky to have two bells which were cast around 1450 (the fourth and fifth), and one bell which was cast in 1590 (the tenor).  These bells are listed bells.

However the tenor is currently not in tune with the other five bells – it is closer to A♭ than G.  As there is a presumption against tuning listed bells the intention is to replace the tenor with a new bell, and use the existing tenor as a clock bell.

Also the treble is very poorly toned, and cannot be greatly improved by tuning, so the intention is to recast it.

The second and third also need some tuning.