The Project

Significant restoration work needs to be carried out on the existing bells, as the majority of the fittings are very worn and in addition the cast-in crown staples need to be removed from the fourth, fifth and tenor bells to reduce the risk of cracking.

There is also an opportunity to carry out much-needed improvements to the bells to make them easier to ring and also to make them sound more musical.

See work on the bells for details of the work to be carried out on the bells.

Other much needed work in the bell tower will also be carried out at the same time, including improving the lighting, repairs to the roof, restoring the coat of arms in the ringing room, and repairs to the stone staircase up to the bells. It is also planned to replace the wooden screen with a glass screen – this will allow more light into the church, and provide more space for the ringers. Separate pledged funding has been raised for this work.

See other work for details of the other work to be carried out.

When this project is completed All Saints’ will, for the first time ever, have a fine musical ring of bells, and will have the capability of being a recognised ringing centre (a centre of good practice in the promotion and teaching of bell ringing).