The Project – Work on the Bells

The problems with existing installation, and the details of the main work which will be carried are as follows:

Bells and Fittings

The bell fittings (clappers, bearings, rollers, sliders, etc) are all worn and will be replaced.

The tenor, 5th and 4th bells retain their original cast-in crown staples. Cast-in crown staples are the most common cause of bells becoming cracked in the crown. Centre holes will be drilled in the heads of these bells and as much material as is practical of the cast-in crown staples removed. The bell support holes will be filled in via specialist welding.

The tenor bell is currently not in tune with the other five bells – it is closer to A♭ than G. As there is a presumption against tuning listed bells the intention is to replace the tenor with a new bell, and use the existing tenor as a clock bell

Also the treble is very poorly toned, and cannot be greatly improved by tuning, so the intention is to recast it.

The second and third bell also need some tuning.

The tenor, 5th and 4th bells are also clapper worn. The old indentations on the 5th and 4th bells will be filled in via specialist welding, and the bells one-eight turned.


The treble and the second are hung from two steel beams in an upper frame, whilst the third, fourth, fifth and tenor are all in line in a lower frame. Neither of the two existing frames are of satisfactory design, and also this arrangement means that the treble and second bells are harder to handle, which is a problem for younger learners, who typically learn to ring on the lighter bells. Also the rope circle is poor, and the ropes for the treble, second and third bells pass too close to the edges of the ringing chamber.

All the bells are difficult to access, and access to the treble and seconds bells is also potentially dangerous – access for maintenance involves climbing up a wooden ladder at a shallow angle and balancing on the two steel beams supporting the bells.

The intention is to rehang the bells on one level in a new bell-frame, which make the treble and second easier to ring, improve the ringing circle, and make access to all the bells easier and safer.

Ringing Chamber

The ringing chamber is higher than ideal, which makes the bells difficult to ring.  A circular ‘rope guide’ will be installed at a height of 14’6” which will make the bells easier to ring, in particular the lighter bells.  The supports will be attached to the ceiling.

The existing ropes are also very worn so these will all be replaced with new matching set of ropes.


A simulator will be installed which will enable the bells to be rung but with no sound audible outside the tower.  This will be useful for extended periods of practice, teaching new ringers, or for practising new methods.


CCTV will also be installed in the bell chamber which will allow live streaming of the bells ringing in the bell chamber to be displayed on a flat-screen display in the ringing chamber.  This will be useful when demonstrating ringing, both for beginners and on open days, and also confirming whether the bells have been rung up correctly.